General Sports Regulations
- Admission Prices and Passes (GSR01-GSR10)
- Crowd Control (GSR14-GSR21)
- Crowd Control Standards (GSR30)
- Sportsmanship (GSR40)
- Concussion Protocol (GSR41)
- Eligibility (GSR42-GSR44)
- Conference Championships (GSR50)
- Number of Contests and Scrimmages (GSR55-GSR61)
- Schedules, Rosters (GSR70-GSR73)
- Section Conference Representation: Breaking Ties (GSR75)
- Selection of All-Conference Teams (GSR78-GSR80)
- Television (GSR82-GSR91)
- Awards (GSR130-GSR137)
- Starting Times; All Sports (GSR140-GSR141)
- Officials (GSR145-GSR146)
- Make-up of Postponed Contests (GSR150)
- Conference Meet Sites (GSR155)
- Competition Protests (GSR160)
- By-Law Infractions, Hearings and Penalties (GSR165)
- Adding a New Sport (GSR180)
- Scheduling of Athletic Events (GSR180-GSR181)
- Equipment (GSR190)
Admission Prices and Passes (GSR01-GSR10)
GSR01 Visitor admission prices shall be standardized for sports with the following classifications:
All Sports and Conference Meets:
a) Adult = $10.00
b) High school student without identification card = $10.00
c) Unattended elementary student = $10.00
d) High School student with official school identification card = $5.00
e) Elementary student or junior high school student with parent = $5.00
f) Senior Citizens and Veterans = $5.00
g) All children under the age of 6, accompanied by an adult, free admission
h) Scrimmages for football = admission may be charged but not to exceed $5.00
GSR02 One “rivalry” football contest per season may increase the admission price by $1.00.
GSR03 A high school student without a school identification card for the current school year will pay the adult price.
GSR04 Individual school passes are good only at the school of issue and only for their own home games.
GSR05 Central California’s Athletic League Staff passes for faculty are good for any CCAL athletic event.
GSR06 C.I.F. passes will be honored at all contests.
GSR07 Lifetime Passes awarded by the CCAL, MMC and/or the CCC will be honored.
Crowd Control (GSR14-GSR21)
GSR14 It is recommended that ticket takers/sellers remain on duty until the conclusion of the contest or allow no further admissions after they go off duty.
GSR15 Spectators are to be kept completely away from the field before, during and after football games/events. Districts will be responsible for posting signage.
GSR16 Only the home team can put up posters on gym walls at basketball games.
GSR17 If at any time a meet or game official feels the crowd is interfering with the progress of the contest, the official may request more control. In extreme cases the official may declare a forfeit.
GSR18 The host school may employ or assign personnel necessary for ticket taking, selling, and crowd control.
GSR19 Control of participants is the responsibility of the school administration and coaches of the respective schools involved.
GSR20 There must be a certified adult representative on the players’ bench or area at all times during a game. In case of ejection of the coach and no other certificated adult is present, the game will be forfeited.
GSR21 Adequate security personnel will be provided for all varsity football games. The home school shall exercise appropriate discretion, based upon size of anticipated crowd and number of police assigned at the game or whether local patrol units shall be requested to make “spot checks” while on routine patrol.
Crowd Control Standards (GSR30)
GSR30 The following rules have been developed to create an environment that fosters sportsmanship. Disciplinary rule and general guidelines:
A. Administrative Supervision
1. An administrator, athletic director, or designee must attend away league games for varsity football and boys basketball games.
2. One administrator and one designee must be present at home games.
3. At football games, the visiting school administrator will check in with the home school administrator prior to the start of the varsity game.
4. Administrative supervision by the visiting team must also be provided for other athletic contests if the home principal and visiting principal mutually agree it is necessary.
B. Pre, Post and Game Time Sportsmanship and Conduct
1. Handshaking for all sports will be informal and at the discretion of the coach. Handshaking may be conducted prior to the contest.
2. When teams have to exit together, the home coach will wait with his team at the opposite goal post a few minutes.
3. If problems are anticipated at any athletic contest, the person anticipating these problems is to communicate this concern to his/her athletic director. When appropriate, the athletic director will communicate with the athletic director of the opposing school so that joint action can be taken.
4. We are all members of the same league and the same profession. We have a professional responsibility to cooperate fully with one another to promote both the spirit and the letter of these standards.
5. Coaches and players will be expected to conduct themselves with appropriate restraint as an example of good sportsmanship. It will be the responsibility of each coach to insist upon such behavior from his/ her players and the responsibility of each principal to insist upon this from his/her coaches. Despite the intense emotions inherent in competition, disputes with officials are to be discussed in a manner that serves as an appropriate example to the crowd.
6. Activity directors shall send to each school a map showing recommended routes for visiting teams and rooters. This should include unloading areas, bus parking, locations of restrooms, and snack stands for visitors.
C. Cheer Squads
1. A site administrator or designee shall arrange and conduct a meeting for all varsity rally squads each year before the first football game in August crowd control standards will be reviewed at this meeting. All rally squad members are encouraged to attend.
2. Members of the rally squads will be expected to show courtesy and respect to their rival squads as an example of good sportsmanship.
3. Home team will perform during half-time except by mutual agreement. If visitors are to perform, arrangements would be made through respective advisors well ahead of time.
4. Visiting school cheer squads will not perform during the host school's homecomings activities unless previous arrangements have been made between Principals.
5. Rally squads will be expected to promote good sportsmanship by leading only "positive" cheers directed at encouraging their own team - never "negative" cheers directed at the other team. Beat, defeat, dump, and destroy are acceptable verbs.
6. During basketball games, cheer squads must not stand or perform in the area adjacent to the court’s baseline directly behind the basket and within the width of the court’s key area.
D. Public Address Announcers
1. P.A. announcers will refrain from "running commentaries" similar to radio or TV announcers, limiting their comments to after-the-fact announcements such as the name of the player who scored the basket, how many yards gained on the play, etc.
2. P.A. announcers will refrain from praising or critical comments and will make every effort to maintain a neutral position in respect to both teams.
E. Locker Room Supervision
1. Locker room supervision for teams is to be provided by each school. In cases of girls’ teams coached by men, a woman is to supervise each team except by mutual agreement to provide joint supervision by one school.
F. Bands and Music
1. The home team band will perform the national anthem, except by mutual agreement.
2. The home team band will perform at half-time of football games, except by mutual agreement.
3. No playing during live action at indoor athletic events. This includes free throws in basketball.
4. Band advisors are encouraged to communicate well before games to encourage mutual cooperation. When both bands are present, the visiting band has the option of playing their alma mater first.
5. Home team only to have band for indoor sports.
6. Bands shall be off the playing field three minutes before game time and three minutes before the second half begins.
7. All pre-game "warm up" music and conditions are consistent and respectful for home and visiting teams.
G. Signs
1. Positive signs only. No signs directed at the other teams.
2. Visitors may post signs at outdoor events, but only on their side of the field. No signs may be posted by visitors at indoor events.
3. All signs must be in good taste.
4. No hand held signs.
H. Rooting Section
1. No spectators will be admitted or allowed to remain who wear masks or other objects that conceal their identities.
2. No painted faces at indoor events.
3. Unruly spectators will be ejected. This would include yelling vulgarities, making obscene gestures, or throwing objects.
4. Criminal behavior will result in police action and prosecution.
5. No mechanical noisemakers for indoor sports.
6. Only home teams may form funnels.
7. Exchange of song leaders and cheerleaders shall be at the discretion of the home team.
8. No megaphones at indoor events.
Sportsmanship (GSR40)
GSR40 The league rule will comply with Section By-Law 302. Additionally, in the CCAL, the coach of the ejected player may not allow the ejected player to attend the next game unless the following conditions are met: the player must be in school clothes . under the direct supervision of the coach either sitting on the bench or standing on the side lines.
In the event of an ejection of a coach, the coach must not attend the next scheduled game or match. The coach may not be a spectators or in attendance at the sports venue.
If the ejection of a player or coach occurs during the final game of this sport’s season the disqualified individual will be ineligible to participate in the first contest of the subsequent season of sport’s initial contest the player or coach would be a participant.
Concussion Protocol (GSR41)
GSR41 The CCAL adheres to the Concussion Protocol of the CIFSJS By-Law 313:
“A student-athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from competition at the time for the remainder of the day. A student student-athlete who has been removed from play may not return to play until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in education and management of concussion and receives written clearance to return to play from that health care provider.
- What is meant by ‘licensed health care provider’?
- The ‘score of practice’ for licensed health care providers and medical professionals is defined by California state statutes. This scope of practice will limit the evaluation to a medical doctor (MD) or doctor of osteopathy (DO).”
Eligibility (GSR42-GSR44)
GSR42 CIF eligibility rules shall govern all sanctioned competition.
GSR43 The penalty for the use of an ineligible player in individual sports with team scores shall be the forfeit of the meet by the offending school. The principal of the school that forfeits a contest for the use of an ineligible player will notify the league principals of the decision.
GSR44 No player shall play in more than four games, matches, or meets per week in a particular sport except for participation in tournaments. Football players are restricted to participating in one game per week. A week is defined as Monday through Saturday. This limit of games per week in all sports shall allow exceptions for postponed games due to rainout or unforeseen emergencies to avoid schedule conflicts.
Conference Championships (GSR50)
Number of Contests and Scrimmages (GSR55-GSR61)
Allowable Number of Contacts. The Sac Joaquin Section has set the following maximum number of allowable contests.
Basketball 28, Baseball 28, Competitive Cheer 28, Cross Country 14, Football 10, Golf 24, Soccer 28, Softball 28, Swimming 14, Tennis 24, Track & Field 14, Volleyball 28, Water Polo 28 , Wrestling 40 ( see SJS By-Law 3103)
GSR56 Definition of a scrimmage and allowance for scrimmages above the 28 contact limit. See CIFSJS Section By-Law 1206 B. and 1206.1. A maximum of two scrimmages per sport are permissible prior to the first inter scholarship contest (league or non league) of the season, except in football that is limited to one scrimmage. Scrimmages shall not count in the teams or individual maximum number of contacts, unless it’s held after the team’s first inter scholastic contest.
A. No officials are paid
B. Admissions may be charged, but the price may not exceed $4. Closed scrimmages are permissible.]
C. No score/ results are released to MaxPreps
D. No awards are presented GSR58 Each sport team will be permitted no more than two (2) scrimmages, except football, which is allowed only one(1). CIFSJS By-Law 1206. C.
GSR59 Tournaments. CIFSJS 1206.D.2; There is no limit on the number of tournaments allowed per season.
A. Basketball. One(1) contact for each game
B. Golf. Tournaments count as one (1) contact per day
C. Soccer. One (1) contact for each match
D. Tennis. One (1) contact for each match
E. Volleyball. One (1)day tournament counts as two contacts Two(2) day tournament counts as three contacts
F. Water Polo. One (1)contact for each game.
GSR60 For track, a meet shall be any contest in which five or more participants represent any member school. Four participants or less does not constitute a track meet. Exception: If a team has more than four outstanding track athletes and wishes to enter a special invitational meet, the school may petition the CCAL commissioner with evidence of outstanding times/marks. If in the opinion of the commissioner, the times/marks qualify, he may grant special permission to enter and have it not count as a meet. All dual, tri, and quad meets are considered as one meet. An invitational meet is further defined as a meet with five or more schools entered.
GSR61 With the exception of football, which is allowed one game per week, all other sports are allowed 4 games or matches per week, but at least one of the three must be on a Saturday. The limit of 4 games per week in all sports shall allow for exceptions due to postponed games due to rainout or unforeseen emergencies. Approval required of both school principals and league commissioner to exceed the 4 games per week standard
Schedules, Rosters
GSR70 Schedules and rosters are to be made available to all opponents through MaxPrep or alternative arrangements. Roster exchange -- mandatory for football and basketball (others on request) -- is to include numbers, years in school, positions played, weights, and heights.
GSR71 Athletic contest starting time changes require mutual agreement of the coaches, athletic directors, and principals.
GSR72 Athletic contests scheduled date changes require the approval of the principals.
Levels of Team Participants
GSR 73 All CCAL athletic team sports will be comprised of three levels of play when possible . When three levels of teams are offered in a sport, the levels will be Varsity, Junior Varsity and Frosh/Soph. When only two levels are offered in a sport, the levels will be Varsity and Junior Varsity. When only one level of teams is offered in a sport, the level will be Varsity.
a) Frosh/Soph 9-10 Grades
b) Junior Varsity 9-11 Grades
c) Varsity 9-12 Grades.
Once CCAL play begins, no player may move down to a lower level team. An exception, to this “no move down” rule, would allow players to move down for non CCAL contests including tournaments. In tournament play, the player must participate on the roster for the duration of the tournament. Players who do move, must not exceed the total number of contests/contacts allowed for participation in a season of sport.
Section Conference Representation (all sports except football)
GSR75 A tie game shall count as one-half game won and one-half game lost. The win-loss records of the teams involved shall determine their league standings. Should it become necessary to break a tie, the following methods shall be used:
Breaking Ties for First Place for Playoff Seeding
1) When two (2) teams are tied for first place or third place:
A) The team which defeated( played each other only once in CCAL play) or swept .(played each other twice in league play) and/or ( won 2/3 league games in sports where three(3) league games are played), that team shall representation the CCAL in CIF playoffs as the CCAL #1 seed.
B) If the teams split their two games, compare records against league opponents.
C) If there is still a tie, compare records (see 1A) against the next highest ranked teams, in order, until there is resolution. If there is still a tie, a playoff game/ match will be held prior to the CIF playoffs. This game will be played at neutral site. The game/match result will determine the #1 and #2 seeds from the CCAL.
2) When three or more teams are tied for any playoff seeding:
A) The team with the best record against the other teams involved in the tie shall represent the conference.
B) If there is still a tie, compare records against the next highest rank teams, in order, until there is resolution.
C) If there is still a tie, depending on the sport, follow the CCAL By-Laws per sport, allowed by each sport of the three teams against the next highest ranked teams, in order, until there is resolution.
D) If there is still a tie for first, with two remaining teams, repeat A & B, until there is resolution. If still tied, one playoff game at a neutrality site is allowed.
3) If both schools agree, the option of using a coin flip may be used to break a tie in
the final CCAL seedings versus playing a “playoff tie breaker” game.
Selection of All-Conference Teams
GSR78 The meeting to select all-conference teams shall be scheduled to meet in the league’s most centrally located school or at a school designated by the designated sport representative on the second Monday after the last league game. The meeting shall be held after school. Only team sports select all-conference teams. The listing of sports in this category is in the awards section of this document. See GSR80, Section2, number 6: Notification Process.
GSR79: Academic All-League Certificates An academic all-conference team will be selected in each varsity sport and honored at the end of season school athletic event. To qualify a student athlete must have a 3.5 GPA using the previous semester grades. Fall sports will use the previous spring semester grades while winter and spring sports will use fall semester grades. The commissioner will send each school certificates for each student honoree. Varsity spirit leaders are included. Freshmen who letter in a varsity sport in the fall and earn “All Academic” honors will receive their award in the spring semester.
Schedules, Rosters (GSR70-GSR73)
GSR70 Schedules and rosters are to be made available to all opponents through MaxPreps or alternative arrangements. Roster exchange -- mandatory for football and basketball (others on request) -- is to include numbers, years in school, positions played, weights, and heights.
GSR71 Athletic contest starting time changes require mutual agreement of the coaches, athletic directors, and principals.
GSR72 Athletic contests scheduled date changes require the approval of the principals.
Levels of Team Participants
GSR 73
All CCAL athletic team sports will be comprised of three levels of play when possible . When three levels of teams are offered in a sport, the levels will be Varsity, Junior Varsity and Frosh/Soph. When only two levels are offered in a sport, the levels will be Varsity and Junior Varsity. When only one level of teams is offered in a sport, the level will be Varsity.
a) Frosh/Soph: 9-10 Graders
b) Junior Varsity: 9-11 Graders
c) Varsity: 9-12 Grades (a 14-year-old needs a waiver to play varsity football)
Once CCAL play begins, players may move up or down, from the available levels of teams (ex: varsity, junior varsity and frosh/soph) offered per sport, without any limitations except for the CIF’s established limits placed on each sport’s number of contacts/contests allowed on any given day, week or season of sport. (Revised 8/30/22)
Section Conference Representation: Breaking Ties (GSR75)
GSR75 CCAL Tie-Breaker Rules & Regs
Breaking Ties for First Place for Playoff Seeding for All Team Sports (Other than Football) including Baseball, Basketball (Boys/Girls), Soccer (Boys/Girls), Softball, Volleyball, & Water Polo (Boys/Girls).
1) When 2 teams are tied for first place:
A. The team which defeated the other (played each other only once in league play) or swept (played each other twice in league play) and/or (won 2/3 league games in sports where three league games are played), that team shall represent the Conference in C.I.F. playoffs as the CCAL #1 seed. (Head to Head Competition).
B. If the teams split their two games, compare records (See 1A above) against the highest rank teams from the top down, in order, until there is resolution.
C. If there is still a tie, the MAXPREPS final regular season ranking will be the tie-breaker as it relates to the CCAL Playoff seeding.
2) When 3 or more teams are tied for first place: (With all 3 going to playoffs)
A. The team with the best record against the other teams involved in the tie shall represent the conference.
B. If there is still a tie, compare records against the highest ranked league teams, in order from the top down until there is resolution.
C. If there is still a tie, the MAXPREPS final regular season ranking will be the tie-breaker as it relates to the CCAL Playoff seeding.
Breaking Ties for Other than First Place:
1) When 2 teams are tied for second place (With both teams going to playoffs)
A. The team which defeated (played & beat the other only once in league play) or swept (played each other twice and swept both contests in league play) or (won 2/3 from the other), shall win the tie breaker.
B. If there is a tie, compare record against the highest rank teams, in order from the top down until there is resolution.
C. If there is still a tie, the MAXPREPS final regular season ranking will be the tie-breaker as it relates to the CCAL Playoff seeding.
2) Breaking ties when 3 or more teams are involved for a third place (FINAL) playoff spot (only one or two of the tied teams are going to the playoff team goes to playoffs of the tied teams):
A. The team with the best record against the other tied teams shall represent the conference.
B. If there is still a tie, compare record against the highest rank team(s) in order moving down from the top until there is resolution.
C. Three or more Teams Tied for final playoff spot: the MAXPREPS final regular season ranking will be the tie-breaker as it relates to the eliminating ONE of the three teams tied for the final playoff spot for CCAL Playoffs. At this point, the respective sports head coaches will have already voted to either play a one game playoff at a neutral site to determine the final spot OR have the MAXPREPS final regular season ranking be the tie-breaker as it relates to the CCAL Playoff seeding. The AD in charge of the sport will be the tie-breaker as it relates to how the PRE-SEASON vote goes.
D. 2-Teams Tied for the final playoff spot: At this point, the respective sports head coaches will have already voted to either play a one game playoff at a neutral site to determine the final spot OR have the MAXPREPS final regular season ranking be the tie-breaker as it relates to the CCAL Playoff seeding. The AD in charge of the sport will be the tie-breaker as it relates to how the PRE-SEASON vote goes.
NOTE #2: The one game CCAL League Playoff/Match to determine a playoff spot for the 3rd and final CCAL seed with one team moving on and the other being eliminated from moving on to playoffs must be played by the final regular season date set by the Sac Joaquin CIF Section and it must be played at a neutral site. It is important to remember to be proactive during this process.
Selection of All-Conference Teams (GSR78-GSR80)
1. Preseason Meeting:
a. The Designated Sports Representative will schedule and conduct a meeting of the varsity head coaches of their respective sport prior to the beginning of the season and non-league competition. The Athletic Director from the Sports Representative’s home school must be present at this meeting.
b. The purpose of this meeting will be to review GSR80 and/or the General Sport Regulation dedicated to their specific sport. The number and type of all conference awards given out at the end of the season will be reviewed and the process that will be used to break ties in voting for MVP’s.
c. At this meeting, the Sport Representative will review the process that will be used for voting and selection of all league honorees at the end of the season. This is to insure a “fair and equitable” process. d. A secondary purpose of this meeting will be to review any changes in National Federation Rules and specific issues related to that sport as designated by the Sport Representative and Head Coaches.
2. All Conference Meeting:
a. The first order of business will be to review the number of awards allocated by GSR80.
b. The second item of business is to decide upon the Most Valuable Player Award.
1. Each Head Coach may nominate a player for whom they feel meet the “criteria” of Most Valuable Player.
2. After each Head Coach has made his or her nomination, they are given time to address the other coaches with the reasoning and/or statistics to support the nomination.
3. Head Coaches then cast their votes.
4. Votes are read and the player with highest total votes is designated the recipient of the award.
5. In the event that two players receive the same amount of votes and the coaches determine that there should be “Co-MVP’s”, the total number of first team certificates will be remain the same. An example would be the following: A specific sport is allocated a total of 12 certificates for one (1) MVP and eleven (11) first team certificates. The coaches at the all league meeting select two players to be Co-MVP’s. Therefore, there will be only (10) first team certificates (instead of 11) and two (2) MVP certificates for 12 certificates.
6. Notification Process:
a. The Sports Representative will have the responsibility of faxing or e-mailing the final selection of awards by category, school, player name and year in school to the League Commissioner. The League Commissioner will certify the process and communicate the all-conference selections to the media.
b. The notification and publication of the awards are not to occur until the completion of section playoffs per that sport.
3. The size of the all-conference team is listed below. Certificates will be issued as follows and in the category of Honorable Mention, each school will have one H.M.
Television (GSR82-GSR91)
GSR82 There shall be no live coverage of athletic contests involving two CCAL teams without advanced permission by the CCAL.
GSR83 No use of commercial video-taped films of athletic contests is to be made available to schools or other organizations until the completion of the season of that sport unless approved by the CCAL.
GSR84 Before permission may be granted to videotape and/or televise an athletic contest hosted by a conference school, for the purpose of a commercial and/or closed circuit viewing, the approval of the principals of both schools involved in the contest must be obtained.
GSR85 Control of contests and all related activities remain entirely under the jurisdiction of the schools and their officials.
GSR86 The schools have no responsibility in furnishing equipment or personnel for the videotaping of any contest.
GSR87 All responsibility for obtaining electronic equipment or electronics service to tape a contest must be made by the television station. Any installation of new equipment or
any use of, or adaptation of, any school facilities or equipment must not be made without the consent of the school authorities.
GSR88 No presentations or awards are to be made at any time by the television company.
Awards (GSR130-GSR137)
GSR130 The league will issue certificates to all All-Conference Team members. (See GSR80)
GSR131 All-Conference teams are to be selected in varsity football, varsity boys and girls golf, varsity boys and girls water polo, varsity volleyball, varsity boys and girls basketball, varsity baseball, varsity softball, varsity boys and girls soccer, varsity boys and girls cross country, and varsity boys and girls tennis.
GSR134 League medals will be awarded as follows for league sponsored championships in individual sports for First Place.
Varsity Boys and Girls Swimming =
50 Free 100 Free 200 Free 500 Free Medley Relay
100 Backstrokes
100 Breaststrokes
100 Butterfly
Relays 1st Place only 4 Certificates
200 Free Relay
400 Free Relay
200 Individual Fee Relay
Varsity Boys & Girls Wrestling =
106 lbs, 113 lbs, 120 lbs, 126 lbs, 132 lbs, 138lbs, 145 lbs, 152 lbs, 160 lbs, 170 lbs, 182 lbs, 195 lbs, 220 lbs, 285 lbs
Varsity Boys & Girls Track =
4 X 100 Meter Relay, 4 X 400 Meter Relay, 300 Meter Intermediate Hurdles, 110 Meter High Hurdles 1600 Meter Run, 3200 Meter Run, 100 Meter Dash, 200 Meter Dash, 400 Meter Dash, 800 Meter Run, Discus, Shot Put, Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump
GSR136 Life Time Pass Award Life Time Pass
Life Time Pass Criteria: The recipient needs to meet one of the following criteria:
1. A principal or athletic director of a member school who at the time of their retirement from education is a member of the CCAL Leadership Team (Principals and Athletic Directors.(This is present and past practice)
2. Someone who is deemed by the CCAL Leadership Team to have given special and/or meritorious service to the league or high school athletics.
3. League commissioners who have served ten year and left in good standing.
4. Past MMC and CCC Lifetime Pass Award recipients’ passes will be recognized.
GSR137 Athletic Excellence Award
The Athletic Excellence Award recognizes the CCAL school with the most outstanding varsity athletic program for the current school year by accumulating points in all varsity boys and girls sports. The school with the most points will receive a banner in the fall of the next school year. The Athletic Excellence Banner is to be displayed in the school’s gym. Points are earned as follows:
One (1) point on a six (6)-point scale for each place the school’s varsity team earns in league standings at the end of the season. First place equals six (6) points; second place equals five (5)points …last place equals one (1) point. When two or more schools tie for a league standing then the points awarded will be divided among the tied schools Ex: school A and school B tie for second place; the points awarded to second and third place are added together = 9 divided by 2 = 4.5 points
It shall be the responsibility of each sport representative to submit the final league standings to the league commissioner. This will occur at the time the league representative submits the list of the all conference team players to the league.
Starting Times; All Sports (GSR140-GSR141)
Fall Sports
Cross Country/Boys & Girls 1:30 PM
Football 3:15/5:00/7:00 PM
Golf/Girls 3:00 PM
Tennis/Girls 3:00 PM
Volleyball 4:00/5:00/6:00 PM
Water Polo/Boys & Girls 3:00/4:00/5:00/6:00 PM
Winter Sports
*Basketball/Boys & Girls 4:15/5:45/7:15 PM
Soccer/Boys & Girls 3:30 PM
Wrestling 6:00/7:30 PM
Spring Sports
Baseball 3:45 PM
Golf/Boys 1:30 PM
Softball 3:45 PM
Swimming/ Boys & Girls 3:00 PM
Tennis/Boys 3:00 PM
Track/Boys & Girls 10:00 AM
The athletic director and principal of the schools involved must approve changes in time or date of previously scheduled events.
*Time between basketball games: minimum of 15 minutes, maximum of 20 minutes.
Winter sports games and inter-school scrimmages may not start for boys until the day after the last regularly scheduled league football game and for girls after the last volleyball game. Spring sports games and inter-school scrimmages are under the same restraint with the last basketball games providing the cut-off date. Due to early section tournaments, golf and tennis may schedule games and inter-school scrimmages in February.
Officials (GSR145-GSR146)
Make-up of Postponed Contests (GSR150)
Postponed contests, excluding track, will be made up on the first open date that the two teams have, excluding weekends and school holidays. An exception to the ab is that no team should be required to play more than three contests per week, Monday through Friday, although the limit of three per week may have to be modified so teams will be able to complete the league schedule before the section play-offs commence. Make up contests should be made up in the order in which the contests were missed.
Conference Meet Sites (GSR155)
Competition Protests (GSR160)
A. Protest Requirements: All protests must be in writing, signed by the principal of the protesting school, must bear a postmark not later than three working school days after the date of the contest concerned, and must be addressed to the president of the conference and commissioner of the CCAL and to all CCAL schools. The letter must include a copy of the rule which the principal feels has been violated.
B. Protest Committee: The committee shall consist of two principals and the commissioner. One of the two principals must be the league president unless the president's school is filling the protest or if his/her school is involved in the game protest. If the president of the league is disqualified then the vice president of the league will chair the committee.
C. Protest Jurisdiction: All protests must be made consistent with the rules of the particular sport as specified in the National Federation rules for that sport. No protest may be made upon the decisions of the referee or other game officials in regards to interpretations of the rules of interpretations of the spirit of the law. Protests concerning judgment calls by officials will not be accepted.
D. Protest Limitations: All protests concerning the eligibility of a player; the qualifications of officials; the peculiarities of the grounds or the places for holding contests, or the equipment or the furnishings used in the contests; or any other fact which reasonable observations should discover will not be considered by the committee unless a statement has been made in writing and signed by a school official or designee or game official before the contest begins. Such defects are to be called to the attention of the official at the time or before the starting time of the contest.
E. Protest Hearing and Notification: In the event of a protest being filed and accepted, notice shall be given by the League President to all parties concerned at least three (3) days before the hearing of a protest, stating the time and place that the case will be heard. Central California Athletic League General Sports Regulations
F. Protest Time Line: The league president or the commissioner has ten working days to investigate the alleged misconduct and then five working days to assemble and hold an appeal committee meeting. The final decision by the appeal committee must be communicated in writing to all parties within three working days of the committee hearing. There is no appeal beyond this panel.
G. Emergency Appeals: In case of a coach or player that has been removed by a game official, the principal of that school may appeal to allow either to participate in the next game if there is evidence of miss-identification by game officials. This appeal may have to be conducted by phone if the next contact is only two days away. See Appendix I- GSR 160 Competition Protests Check List
By-Law Infractions, Hearings and Penalties (GSR165)
GSR165 By-law Infractions, Hearings and Penalties
A. Committee: The By-law Infractions Committee shall consist of the policy making board. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the membership schools in attendance.
B. Voting: All voting shall be done by the school’s principal or his/her designee as the person authorized to vote. When a quorum is present, a majority of the votes cast is required for adoption of any motion that is in order. Majority is defined as fifty percent (50%), plus one vote.
C. Meetings: The By-law Infractions Committee shall meet as a segment of the regularly scheduled CCAL meetings and/or at special meeting convened upon the call of the president. An appeal presentment received by the president of the conference shall activate this committee.
D. Appeals Procedure: The following process shall be followed on all issues but student athlete eligibility. All questions of eligibility shall be submitted directly to the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Commissioner.
1. If a school suspects a violation of the CCAL or C.I.F. rules, a letter will be sent by the school’s principal to the suspected offending school’s principal; with a copy of the letter to the league president and league commissioner. The letter must outline the suspected rule violation and provide a copy of the CCAL or C.I.F. rule that is alleged to be violated. If the violation involves an alleged violation of the C.I.F. rules a copy of this letter must be sent to the section commissioner.
2. The league president will request that the league commissioner conduct an investigation in to the allege rule violation.
3. The school suspected of the rule violation will have thirty (5) calendar days from the receipt of the letter to respond to the inquiring school. If the league president determines that this allege violation needs to be investigated by the commissioner, the commissioner will have thirty (7) calendar days to investigate and summit a report of the findings of fact to the league president.
4. The school suspected of the rule violation will give a written reply to school principal who initiated the allegation with a copy to the president and commissioner. The response will either confirm or reject the suspected violation (s). If the suspected violation is confirmed, the violating school will provide an “in house” penalty for violating the rule.
5. The inquiring school will have (2) working school days to accept or reject the suspected schools response. If accepted the inquiring school must report this fact to the member schools within (3) working school days of the decision.
6. If the suspected school’s response is rejected the offended school may appeal to the Policy Making Board of the League. The president of the league will convene an appeals hearing as outline in the GSR165 of the CCAL Constitution/Bylaws.
E. Appeal Hearing: The following process will be followed:
1. Notice shall be given by the Commissioner to all parties concerned at least three days before the hearing of an appeal and in accordance with the California Ralph M. Brown Act. Exception: When playoff berths are involved and a decision must be made within three working days, an emergency meeting may be called within 24 hours by the CCAL President.
2. Hearing Chairperson: Affiliation as the accused or the signer of the allegation renders the league president ineligible to act as committee chairperson. The chair passes to the next non-affiliated member in order of ascendancy to the presidency.
3. Evidence: written and verbal testimony will be presented at the hearing.
4. A written Findings of Fact will be issued by the presiding officer of the appeal committee within three days of the hearing.
5. Pending the written finding of fact, the presiding officer will communicate as soon as a decision is rendered by the appeal board to all parties the decision by the appeal board.
F. Penalties: The hearing phase of the committee shall determine the penalty if the allege violation is supported by the hearing committee.
1. Level One Misconduct: self-discovery offenses shall be considered a level one misconduct. Suggested penalty:
a. in house action reported back to the league
b. a written league reprimand to the school involved
c. one sport-one year probation
b. Level Two Misconduct: Suggested penalty:
a. one sport-one year probation
c. Level Three Misconduct: Suggested penalty:
a. team—not eligible for playoff participation; not eligible for championship
b. individual—not eligible for playoff participation
c. loss of additional playoff shares
d. Level Four Misconduct: Suggested penalty:
a. sport—reduce future schedule by ten percent of allowed contacts
b. game (s) forfeiture
c. player ineligibility for the season
d. request coach to be suspended by his/her principal
G. Burden of Proof: The burden of proof rests with the accuser.
H. Statute of Limitations: Statue of Limitations shall be one calendar year.
Adding a New Sport (GSR180)
1. To add a sport to the league as an officially sanctioned CCAL sport, at least 2/3 of the schools in the league must offer the sport.
2. Formal requests for the addition of a sport in the league must be submitted to the athletic director of each school one year prior to the start of the season of sport using the form provided in Appendix A. The athletic director will submit all requests at the Athletic Director and Principals Meeting in April for further consideration.
3. Schools within the league that cannot field a team must notify the league before the start of the season so as not to be put on the league schedule. If a team is formed but cannot compete by the first league game due to a drop in the number of athletes, the school must notify the league principals. At that point, all scheduled games will be a bye and not a forfeit.
4. Gender Equity
a) The Modesto City Schools and the Turlock USD establish their own needs assessment process, for example: Student surveys / Student/Parent requests procedures Coaches' recommendations/requests b) To attain equity in sports, the following should be considered: Increase the opportunity for females Limit the opportunity for males Decrease the opportunities for males, while maintaining opportunities for females Decrease the opportunities for males and females
c) The following questions should be reviewed before considering the addition of a sport: Is there a comparable team for boys? Are there 25% more athletes interested in the sport than would be on the team? Are there enough students interested who are academically eligible to try out?
d) If a school or district decides to add a sport, the following criteria should be used to assure compliance with existing sports:
Accommodation of interests and abilities
Purchase of equipment and supplies
Schedules of games and practice times
Coaches' stipends
Provision of locker rooms, practice, and competition facilities.
e) If a school/district cannot fund the addition of several new teams in one year due to funding constraints a plan for gradual addition of teams should be developed.