League Organization Regulations
League Officers
LOR01 The CCAL Leadership Team will be comprised of each principal and athletic director from the member schools.
Each principal, including the league president, will have one vote at the CCAL meetings. A principal may designate a school representative in his/her absence from the meeting. This designee will have the right to cast a vote for his/her school.
The league president will be selected from the principals and will serve a two-year term. The selection will be based on a rotation among all the schools following alphabetical order by school name.
The league vice-president will be selected from the sitting principals. This individual will be the next principal to serve in the rotation as League President. The vice-president will serve as the League president in the absence of the appointed league president.
The league president is responsible with the assistance of the league commissioner, for organizing and conducting the league meetings.
League Commissioner
LOR02 1) The league commissioner will serve as a non-voting member of the CCAL Leadership Team.
The league commissioner will be responsible for the areas designated by the CCAL Principals. Specific responsibilities are listed in Appendix E of the league rules.
Term of office will be continual unless the commissioner is notified in writing by the CCAL Principals that his/her services are terminated. A majority vote of the Principals is necessary in any change that impacts the status of the league commissioner.
Financial reimbursement for the league commissioner will be determined by the CCAL Principals.
Selection Process
LOR03 The selection process for the league commissioner shall be as follows:
Advertise the position in local newspapers and at schools within the area.
Deadline for submitting applications, application screening, and interviews will be set by the league president.
The application will include a letter of intent, a copy of the individuals’ resume, and three references. All materials will be submitted to the league president.
A committee comprised of three principals and two athletic directors will screen the applications and conduct interviews.
A special meeting will be held for all league principals to review the recommendation of the selection committee. Each principal will cast one vote and a majority vote is required for acceptance of the candidate.
League Meetings
LOR04 The CCAL Leadership Team will meet a minimum of three times per year on the dates designated by the league commissioner. The athletic directors will meet prior to the CCAL meeting with the league commissioner to review the agenda items for the Leadership Team meeting.
The exception to this rule is when a sports committee meeting is held in conjunction with a conference meet.
League Finances
LOR05 The league commissioner is responsible for league finances and will publish an annual financial statement. In his absence the league president assumes this responsibility.
The league will assess each school a sum per enrolled student to finance league operations if necessary. The sum will be determined by a majority vote of the principals.
The league will furnish awards as outlined in the section award.
Conference meet expenses are under the control of the league by-laws and the league commissioner. Schools that host conference meets in track trials, track finals, swimming, and wrestling will receive $75.00 for administrative purposes. All other expenses must have the prior approval of the league e commissioner. Schools that host meets in the above-mentioned sports must sell entrance tickets at the rate called for in league by-law GSR01 with the exception that the change for track and swimming trials shall be “column 3” in GSR01. Host schools must send the league commissioner a financial report indicating income and expenses. The league will pay the host school for any loss in revenue. The league is entitled to any profit. The meet director will be determined by the commissioner – normally this would be the athletic director of the host school or designee.
The commissioner will provide a budget update at each league meeting.
LOR06 Awarding of scholarships will be determined by the CCAL Principals. The CCAL selection process for the “Dale Lackey/Pepsi/CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Scholar Athlete of the Year” award is listed in Appendix C.
By-Law & Rule Changes
1) All changes, additions, or deletions to the CCAL League Rules require a majority vote of the CCAL Principals.
2) All rules may be changed at any meeting of the Leadership Team. The effective date for any change is the first day of the following school year unless the CCAL Principals designates a specific implementation date.
3) The league commissioner is responsible for reproducing and distributing to the Leadership Team copies of the rule changes. Each principal is responsible for informing the coaching staff at their school regarding any rule changes.